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THE REFINED 1.6 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX FORMED BETWEEN PORCINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND MCTI-A, A TRYPSIN INHIBITOR OF SQUASH FAMILY External Resource: Annotation Chains Type Family Name Domain Identifier Family Identifier Provenance Source (Version) A SCOP2B Superfamily Trypsin-like serine proteases 8036522 3000114 SCOP2B (2022-06-29) B [auth I] SCOP2 Family Plant inhibitors of proteinases and amylases 8025716 4003054 SCOP2 (2022-06-29) B [auth I] SCOP2 Superfamily Plant inhibitors of proteinases and amylases 8038095 3000215 SCOP2 (2022-06-29)
Chains Family Name Domain Identifier Architecture Possible Homology Homology Topology Family Provenance Source (Version) A Trypsin_1 e1mctA1 A: beta barrels X: cradle loop barrel H: RIFT-related T: FMN-binding split barrel 2 F: Trypsin_1 ECOD (1.6) B [auth I] Squash e1mctI1 A: few secondary structure elements X: omega toxin-like H: omega toxin-related T: omega toxin-related F: Squash ECOD (1.6)
Chains Polymer Molecular Function Biological Process Cellular Component BETA-TRYPSIN B [auth I] TRYPSIN INHIBITOR A -
Chains Accession Name Type IPR001254 Serine proteases, trypsin domain Domain IPR009003 Peptidase S1, PA clan Homologous Superfamily IPR043504 Peptidase S1, PA clan, chymotrypsin-like fold Homologous Superfamily IPR050127 Serine Proteases (Peptidase S1 Family) Family IPR018114 Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site Active Site IPR001314 Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family Family IPR033116 Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site Active Site B [auth I] IPR011052 Proteinase/amylase inhibitor domain superfamily Homologous Superfamily B [auth I] IPR000737 Proteinase inhibitor I7, squash Family