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VEALYL peptide derived from human insulin chain B, residues 12-17
External Resource: Annotation
Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation
InterPro: Protein Family Classification
Pharos: Disease Associations
Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation
Gene Ontology Database Homepage
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Cellular Component
VEALYL peptide derived from human insulin chain B, residues 12-17
protein binding
signaling receptor binding
insulin receptor binding
identical protein binding
insulin-like growth factor receptor binding
enzyme binding
protease binding
hormone activity
molecular function activator activity
molecular function regulator activity
signaling receptor regulator activity
receptor ligand activity
signaling receptor activator activity
negative regulation of protein transport
protein localization
regulation of localization
establishment of protein localization
cellular localization
nitrogen compound transport
regulation of cellular process
regulation of protein localization
negative regulation of biological process
negative regulation of transport
protein localization to extracellular region
regulation of secretion by cell
secretion by cell
negative regulation of protein transport
protein localization
regulation of localization
establishment of protein localization
cellular localization
nitrogen compound transport
regulation of cellular process
regulation of protein localization
negative regulation of biological process
negative regulation of transport
protein localization to extracellular region
regulation of secretion by cell
secretion by cell
negative regulation of secretion
cellular macromolecule localization
negative regulation of cellular process
negative regulation of secretion by cell
negative regulation of protein localization
regulation of biological process
regulation of transport
biological regulation
regulation of establishment of protein localization
establishment of protein localization to extracellular region
negative regulation of establishment of protein localization
export from cell
regulation of protein transport
protein secretion
establishment of localization
regulation of protein secretion
regulation of secretion
negative regulation of protein secretion
protein transport
regulation of cellular localization
macromolecule localization
cellular process
negative regulation of small molecule metabolic process
oxoacid metabolic process
ketone metabolic process
regulation of lipid metabolic process
organic acid metabolic process
regulation of primary metabolic process
regulation of small molecule metabolic process
small molecule metabolic process
fatty acid metabolic process
negative regulation of fatty acid metabolic process
negative regulation of metabolic process
carboxylic acid metabolic process
primary metabolic process
regulation of ketone metabolic process
regulation of fatty acid metabolic process
metabolic process
monocarboxylic acid metabolic process
regulation of metabolic process
negative regulation of lipid metabolic process
lipid metabolic process
positive regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity
regulation of molecular function
positive regulation of molecular function
positive regulation of monooxygenase activity
regulation of catalytic activity
regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity
positive regulation of catalytic activity
regulation of oxidoreductase activity
positive regulation of oxidoreductase activity
regulation of protein modification process
positive regulation of phosphorylation
regulation of protein phosphorylation
positive regulation of protein metabolic process
positive regulation of biological process
regulation of transferase activity
positive regulation of phosphate metabolic process
positive regulation of metabolic process
positive regulation of protein modification process
regulation of phosphate metabolic process
phosphate-containing compound metabolic process
positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process
protein metabolic process
activation of protein kinase B activity
positive regulation of protein kinase activity
phosphorus metabolic process
protein modification process
positive regulation of protein phosphorylation
positive regulation of cellular process
protein phosphorylation
positive regulation of transferase activity
positive regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
regulation of protein metabolic process
regulation of protein kinase activity
regulation of macromolecule metabolic process
positive regulation of kinase activity
regulation of kinase activity
activation of protein kinase activity
macromolecule modification
regulation of phosphorylation
regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
macromolecule metabolic process
regulation of biosynthetic process
gene expression
macromolecule biosynthetic process
positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process
regulation of gene expression
biosynthetic process
positive regulation of gene expression
positive regulation of biosynthetic process
regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process
cell-cell signaling
cell communication
multicellular organismal process
system process
nervous system process
developmental process
regulation of developmental process
cellular developmental process
regulation of cell differentiation
positive regulation of developmental process
positive regulation of cell differentiation
cell differentiation
T cell activation
immune system process
cell activation
alpha-beta T cell activation
lymphocyte activation
leukocyte activation
positive regulation of organelle organization
regulation of cellular component organization
positive regulation of cellular component organization
regulation of mitotic nuclear division
positive regulation of mitotic nuclear division
mitotic cell cycle
cellular component organization
regulation of mitotic cell cycle
positive regulation of cell cycle process
cellular component organization or biogenesis
cell cycle
regulation of cell cycle
cell cycle process
mitotic nuclear division
regulation of cell cycle process
organelle fission
positive regulation of nuclear division
regulation of organelle organization
positive regulation of cell cycle
organelle organization
nuclear division
mitotic cell cycle process
regulation of nuclear division
monosaccharide metabolic process
carbohydrate metabolic process
hexose metabolic process
glucose metabolic process
regulation of neuron projection development
cell projection organization
cell development
neuron projection development
multicellular organism development
neuron differentiation
positive regulation of neuron projection development
anatomical structure development
positive regulation of cell projection organization
system development
plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization
regulation of cell projection organization
nervous system development
generation of neurons
neuron development
regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization
cellular response to stimulus
cellular response to nitrogen compound
positive regulation of cell communication
positive regulation of signal transduction
response to stimulus
response to peptide hormone
regulation of signal transduction
insulin receptor signaling pathway
regulation of cellular response to insulin stimulus
cell surface receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway
positive regulation of response to stimulus
cellular response to endogenous stimulus
response to hormone
signal transduction
enzyme-linked receptor protein signaling pathway
cellular response to hormone stimulus
positive regulation of cellular response to insulin stimulus
regulation of signaling
cell surface receptor signaling pathway
response to endogenous stimulus
regulation of insulin receptor signaling pathway
positive regulation of insulin receptor signaling pathway
response to oxygen-containing compound
cellular response to peptide hormone stimulus
response to nitrogen compound
cellular response to oxygen-containing compound
cellular response to chemical stimulus
regulation of response to stimulus
response to chemical
response to insulin
regulation of cell communication
cellular response to insulin stimulus
positive regulation of signaling
positive regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity
positive regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity
RNA metabolic process
nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process
RNA biosynthetic process
nucleic acid biosynthetic process
DNA-templated transcription
regulation of RNA metabolic process
regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process
regulation of RNA biosynthetic process
nucleobase-containing compound biosynthetic process
nucleic acid metabolic process
regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity
regulation of DNA-templated transcription
positive regulation of respiratory burst
respiratory burst
regulation of respiratory burst
acute-phase response
defense response
response to stress
inflammatory response
acute inflammatory response
negative regulation of oxidoreductase activity
regulation of NAD(P)H oxidase activity
negative regulation of NAD(P)H oxidase activity
negative regulation of molecular function
negative regulation of catalytic activity
nitric oxide mediated signal transduction
cGMP-mediated signaling
intracellular signal transduction
nitric oxide-cGMP-mediated signaling
intracellular signaling cassette
catabolic process
energy derivation by oxidation of organic compounds
carbohydrate catabolic process
regulation of generation of precursor metabolites and energy
regulation of polysaccharide metabolic process
macromolecule catabolic process
glucan metabolic process
polysaccharide metabolic process
regulation of glycogen catabolic process
glycogen catabolic process
regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process
negative regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process
negative regulation of glycogen metabolic process
negative regulation of macromolecule metabolic process
negative regulation of catabolic process
regulation of carbohydrate catabolic process
glucan catabolic process
glycogen metabolic process
generation of precursor metabolites and energy
regulation of catabolic process
negative regulation of glycogen catabolic process
polysaccharide catabolic process
energy reserve metabolic process
regulation of glycogen metabolic process
negative regulation of protein catabolic process
negative regulation of protein metabolic process
protein catabolic process
regulation of protein catabolic process
protein localization to cell periphery
protein localization to plasma membrane
regulation of protein localization to cell periphery
localization within membrane
protein localization to membrane
regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane
regulation of protein localization to membrane
lipid catabolic process
regulation of lipid catabolic process
negative regulation of lipid catabolic process
regulation of hormone secretion
regulation of peptide secretion
positive regulation of secretion by cell
hormone secretion
peptide secretion
positive regulation of hormone secretion
positive regulation of secretion
amide transport
signal release
regulation of biological quality
regulation of peptide hormone secretion
positive regulation of peptide secretion
regulation of hormone levels
positive regulation of peptide hormone secretion
regulation of peptide transport
peptide transport
positive regulation of transport
peptide hormone secretion
hormone transport
chemical homeostasis
homeostatic process
glucose homeostasis
carbohydrate homeostasis
regulation of growth
positive regulation of cell growth
regulation of cell growth
cell growth
positive regulation of growth
positive regulation of protein localization to nucleus
regulation of protein localization to nucleus
protein localization to nucleus
protein localization to organelle
positive regulation of protein localization
ribonucleotide catabolic process
pyridine nucleotide catabolic process
carbohydrate derivative metabolic process
organophosphate catabolic process
nucleoside phosphate catabolic process
regulation of ATP metabolic process
regulation of purine nucleotide catabolic process
positive regulation of nucleotide catabolic process
glycolytic process
regulation of nucleotide metabolic process
pyridine-containing compound metabolic process
purine ribonucleotide catabolic process
pyridine nucleotide metabolic process
nucleoside phosphate metabolic process
nicotinamide nucleotide metabolic process
pyruvate metabolic process
positive regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process
purine nucleoside diphosphate metabolic process
purine-containing compound catabolic process
nucleotide metabolic process
regulation of purine nucleotide metabolic process
nucleobase-containing compound catabolic process
positive regulation of ATP metabolic process
nucleoside diphosphate metabolic process
purine nucleoside diphosphate catabolic process
nucleoside diphosphate catabolic process
regulation of nucleotide catabolic process
positive regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process
nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
pyridine-containing compound catabolic process
ribose phosphate metabolic process
ATP metabolic process
positive regulation of nucleotide metabolic process
positive regulation of purine nucleotide catabolic process
purine nucleotide metabolic process
ribonucleotide metabolic process
nucleobase-containing small molecule metabolic process
purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
ribonucleoside diphosphate metabolic process
ribonucleoside diphosphate catabolic process
ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
nucleotide catabolic process
purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
purine nucleotide catabolic process
carbohydrate derivative catabolic process
positive regulation of glycolytic process
ADP catabolic process
regulation of glycolytic process
purine-containing compound metabolic process
positive regulation of purine nucleotide metabolic process
positive regulation of catabolic process
ADP metabolic process
organophosphate metabolic process
purine ribonucleoside diphosphate metabolic process
positive regulation of small molecule metabolic process
purine ribonucleoside diphosphate catabolic process
modulation of chemical synaptic transmission
long-term synaptic potentiation
synaptic signaling
positive regulation of long-term synaptic potentiation
regulation of synaptic plasticity
trans-synaptic signaling
positive regulation of synaptic transmission
chemical synaptic transmission
regulation of trans-synaptic signaling
anterograde trans-synaptic signaling
regulation of long-term synaptic potentiation
regulation of intracellular signal transduction
regulation of nitric oxide mediated signal transduction
positive regulation of intracellular signal transduction
positive regulation of nitric oxide mediated signal transduction
regulation of transmembrane transporter activity
regulation of transporter activity
transmembrane transport
regulation of transmembrane transport
reactive oxygen species biosynthetic process
reactive oxygen species metabolic process
regulation of reactive oxygen species biosynthetic process
negative regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process
negative regulation of reactive oxygen species biosynthetic process
negative regulation of biosynthetic process
regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process
positive regulation of glycogen metabolic process
carbohydrate biosynthetic process
positive regulation of glucose metabolic process
positive regulation of glycogen biosynthetic process
regulation of glycogen biosynthetic process
glucan biosynthetic process
regulation of glucan biosynthetic process
regulation of glucose metabolic process
polysaccharide biosynthetic process
glycogen biosynthetic process
regulation of polysaccharide biosynthetic process
regulation of carbohydrate biosynthetic process
regulation of amino acid metabolic process
amino acid metabolic process
dendritic spine maintenance
cellular component maintenance
regulation of dendritic spine maintenance
positive regulation of dendritic spine maintenance
regulation of synapse structure or activity
synapse organization
dendritic spine organization
postsynapse organization
regulation of postsynapse organization
regulation of synapse organization
cell junction organization
neuron projection organization
negative regulation of proteolysis
regulation of proteolysis
lipid biosynthetic process
positive regulation of lipid biosynthetic process
positive regulation of lipid metabolic process
regulation of lipid biosynthetic process
regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction
positive regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction
cell population proliferation
positive regulation of cell population proliferation
regulation of cell population proliferation
regulation of tube diameter
regulation of tube size
circulatory system process
vascular process in circulatory system
blood vessel diameter maintenance
blood circulation
regulation of anatomical structure size
positive regulation of MAPK cascade
regulation of MAPK cascade
MAPK cascade
positive regulation of establishment of protein localization
positive regulation of protein transport
positive regulation of protein secretion
fatty acid homeostasis
lipid homeostasis
intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to oxidative stress
regulation of oxidative stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
negative regulation of signaling
negative regulation of intracellular signal transduction
regulation of programmed cell death
regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
negative regulation of cell communication
negative regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway
intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
negative regulation of response to stimulus
negative regulation of programmed cell death
regulation of apoptotic process
negative regulation of oxidative stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
cell death
negative regulation of signal transduction
apoptotic signaling pathway
negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
negative regulation of apoptotic process
apoptotic process
programmed cell death
regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway
fat cell differentiation
positive regulation of brown fat cell differentiation
positive regulation of fat cell differentiation
regulation of brown fat cell differentiation
brown fat cell differentiation
regulation of fat cell differentiation
positive regulation of locomotion
regulation of cell motility
positive regulation of cell migration
regulation of locomotion
positive regulation of cell motility
regulation of cell migration
cell migration
cell motility
regulation of defense response
negative regulation of acute inflammatory response
regulation of response to external stimulus
negative regulation of inflammatory response
response to external stimulus
regulation of inflammatory response
negative regulation of response to external stimulus
regulation of response to stress
negative regulation of defense response
regulation of acute inflammatory response
wound healing
response to wounding
regulation of immune effector process
response to biotic stimulus
regulation of cell development
regulation of respiratory burst involved in inflammatory response
regulation of immune system process
respiratory burst involved in defense response
immune response
response to other organism
regulation of innate immune response
negative regulation of immune response
negative regulation of immune effector process
immune effector process
defense response to other organism
respiratory burst involved in inflammatory response
regulation of immune response
negative regulation of respiratory burst involved in inflammatory response
negative regulation of multicellular organismal process
regulation of response to biotic stimulus
biological process involved in interspecies interaction between organisms
negative regulation of response to biotic stimulus
negative regulation of respiratory burst
innate immune response
regulation of multicellular organismal process
response to external biotic stimulus
production of molecular mediator involved in inflammatory response
defense response to symbiont
negative regulation of immune system process
negative regulation of innate immune response
negative regulation of gluconeogenesis
small molecule biosynthetic process
monosaccharide biosynthetic process
hexose biosynthetic process
regulation of gluconeogenesis
cytokine production
regulation of cytokine production
positive regulation of multicellular organismal process
positive regulation of cytokine production
G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
negative regulation of gene expression
negative regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process
hexose transmembrane transport
D-glucose import
carbohydrate transport
positive regulation of D-glucose transmembrane transport
positive regulation of transmembrane transport
regulation of D-glucose import
positive regulation of D-glucose import
D-glucose transmembrane transport
regulation of D-glucose transmembrane transport
monosaccharide transmembrane transport
carbohydrate transmembrane transport
negative regulation of feeding behavior
negative regulation of behavior
feeding behavior
regulation of behavior
regulation of feeding behavior
neuron projection maintenance
protein autophosphorylation
regulation of protein autophosphorylation
positive regulation of protein autophosphorylation
membrane-bounded organelle
intracellular anatomical structure
membrane-enclosed lumen
intracellular membrane-bounded organelle
endomembrane system
intracellular organelle lumen
endoplasmic reticulum lumen
intracellular organelle
cellular anatomical structure
organelle lumen
endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi membrane
membrane-bounded organelle
intracellular anatomical structure
membrane-enclosed lumen
intracellular membrane-bounded organelle
endomembrane system
intracellular organelle lumen
endoplasmic reticulum lumen
intracellular organelle
cellular anatomical structure
organelle lumen
endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi membrane
Golgi apparatus
bounding membrane of organelle
organelle membrane
endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane
endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment
extracellular region
extracellular space
transport vesicle
intracellular vesicle
cytoplasmic vesicle
Golgi lumen
vesicle lumen
cytoplasmic vesicle lumen
secretory granule lumen
secretory granule
secretory vesicle
endosome lumen
InterPro: Protein Family Classification
InterPro Database Homepage
Insulin, conserved site
Conserved Site
Insulin-like superfamily
Homologous Superfamily
Insulin family
Pharos: Disease Associations
Pharos Homepage Annotation
Drug Target  
Associated Disease
maturity-onset diabetes of the young
type 1 diabetes mellitus 2
metabolic syndrome X
maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 10
polycystic ovary syndrome
obesity disorder
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Insulin Resistance
type 2 diabetes mellitus
glucose intolerance
maturity-onset diabetes of the young
type 1 diabetes mellitus 2
metabolic syndrome X
maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 10
polycystic ovary syndrome
obesity disorder
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Insulin Resistance
type 2 diabetes mellitus
glucose intolerance
hypertensive disorder
type 1 diabetes mellitus
Alzheimer disease
diabetes mellitus
bipolar disorder
metabolic disease
congestive heart failure
permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus 1
potassium deficiency disease
kidney failure
urinary bladder disease
prostate cancer
Lewy body dementia
liver disease
panic disorder
Phelan-McDermid syndrome
visual epilepsy
diabetic ketoacidosis
cardiac arrest
Parkinson disease
acute liver failure
permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus
cystic kidney disease
neural tube defect
ventricular fibrillation
lung disease
diabetic kidney disease
diarrheal disease
skin disease
pancreatic intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasm
cognitive disorder
peripheral neuropathy
coronary artery disease
muscular disease
DEND syndrome
gestational diabetes
neurodegenerative disease
arthritic joint disease
autoimmune disease
hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia
blindness (disorder)
maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 1
pancreatic insulinoma
pancreatic intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasm with low grade dysplasia
cerebrovascular disorder
sleep-wake disorder
eating disorder
acquired metabolic disease
infertility disorder
tethered spinal cord syndrome
peripheral vascular disease
neonatal diabetes mellitus
prediabetes syndrome
neurenteric cyst
prostate carcinoma
heart disease
autonomic neuropathy
breast disease
diabetic retinopathy
pancreatic intraductal papillary-mucinous carcinoma
cervical cancer
metabolic acidosis
hypotensive disorder
acute kidney failure
inherited lipid metabolism disorder
muscle tissue disease
fatty liver disease
kidney disease
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
heart failure
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