Bacterioruberin in the trimeric structure of archaerhodopsin-2
External Resource: Annotation
- Domain Annotation: SCOP/SCOPe Classification
- Domain Annotation: SCOP2 Classification
- Domain Annotation: ECOD Classification
- Domain Annotation: CATH
- Protein Family Annotation
- Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation
- InterPro: Protein Family Classification
- Membrane Protein Annotation: PDBTM
- Membrane Protein Annotation: MemProtMD
- Membrane Protein Annotation: mpstruc
Domain Annotation: SCOP/SCOPe Classification SCOP-e Database Homepage
Domain Annotation: SCOP2 Classification SCOP2 Database Homepage
Chains | Type | Family Name | Domain Identifier | Family Identifier | Provenance Source (Version) |
B | SCOP2B Superfamily | G protein-coupled receptor-like | 8071304 | 3000473 | SCOP2B (2022-06-29) |
C [auth D] | SCOP2B Superfamily | G protein-coupled receptor-like | 8071304 | 3000473 | SCOP2B (2022-06-29) |
A | SCOP2B Superfamily | G protein-coupled receptor-like | 8071304 | 3000473 | SCOP2B (2022-06-29) |
D [auth E] | SCOP2B Superfamily | G protein-coupled receptor-like | 8071304 | 3000473 | SCOP2B (2022-06-29) |
Domain Annotation: ECOD Classification ECOD Database Homepage
Chains | Family Name | Domain Identifier | Architecture | Possible Homology | Homology | Topology | Family | Provenance Source (Version) |
B | Bac_rhodopsin | e2z55B1 | A: alpha bundles | X: Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like (From Topology) | H: Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like (From Topology) | T: Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like | F: Bac_rhodopsin | ECOD (1.6) |
C [auth D] | Bac_rhodopsin | e2z55D1 | A: alpha bundles | X: Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like (From Topology) | H: Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like (From Topology) | T: Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like | F: Bac_rhodopsin | ECOD (1.6) |
A | Bac_rhodopsin | e2z55A1 | A: alpha bundles | X: Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like (From Topology) | H: Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like (From Topology) | T: Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like | F: Bac_rhodopsin | ECOD (1.6) |
D [auth E] | Bac_rhodopsin | e2z55E1 | A: alpha bundles | X: Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like (From Topology) | H: Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like (From Topology) | T: Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like | F: Bac_rhodopsin | ECOD (1.6) |
Domain Annotation: CATH CATH Database Homepage
Chain | Domain | Class | Architecture | Topology | Homology | Provenance Source (Version) |
B | 1.20.1070.10 | Mainly Alpha | Up-down Bundle | Rhopdopsin 7-helix transmembrane proteins | Rhodopsin 7-helix transmembrane proteins | CATH (4.3.0) |
C [auth D] | 1.20.1070.10 | Mainly Alpha | Up-down Bundle | Rhopdopsin 7-helix transmembrane proteins | Rhodopsin 7-helix transmembrane proteins | CATH (4.3.0) |
A | 1.20.1070.10 | Mainly Alpha | Up-down Bundle | Rhopdopsin 7-helix transmembrane proteins | Rhodopsin 7-helix transmembrane proteins | CATH (4.3.0) |
D [auth E] | 1.20.1070.10 | Mainly Alpha | Up-down Bundle | Rhopdopsin 7-helix transmembrane proteins | Rhodopsin 7-helix transmembrane proteins | CATH (4.3.0) |
Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage
Chains | Accession | Name | Description | Comments | Source |
A, B, C [auth D], D [auth E] | PF01036 | Bacteriorhodopsin-like protein (Bac_rhodopsin) | Bacteriorhodopsin-like protein | The bacterial opsins are retinal-binding proteins that provide light- dependent ion transport and sensory functions to a family of halophilic bacteria [2,3]. They are integral membrane proteins believed to contain seven transmembrane (TM) domains, th ... | Domain |
Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation Gene Ontology Database Homepage
InterPro: Protein Family Classification InterPro Database Homepage
Chains | Accession | Name | Type |
A, B, C [auth D], D [auth E] | IPR018229 | Rhodopsin, retinal binding site | Binding Site |
A, B, C [auth D], D [auth E] | IPR001425 | Archaeal/bacterial/fungal rhodopsins | Family |
Membrane Protein Annotation: PDBTM PDBTM Database Homepage
Chains | External Link | Comment |
PDBTM | Annotated as membrane protein by PDBTM |
Membrane Protein Annotation: MemProtMD MemProtMD Database Homepage
Chains | External Link | Comment |
MemProtMD | Annotated as membrane protein by MemProtMD |
Membrane Protein Annotation: mpstruc mpstruc Database Homepage
Chains | Resource Link | Group | Subgroup | Protein |
mpstruc | TRANSMEMBRANE PROTEINS: ALPHA-HELICAL | Bacterial, Algal, Viral, and Unusual Rhodopsins | Archaerhodopsin-2 (aR-2) |