This domain is found in porphyranase protein present in Bacteroides plebeius. Porphyranase breaks down porphyran during digestion of red seaweed glycans. It is worth noting that red seaweed glycans contain sulfate esters that are absent in terrestria ...
This domain is found in porphyranase protein present in Bacteroides plebeius. Porphyranase breaks down porphyran during digestion of red seaweed glycans. It is worth noting that red seaweed glycans contain sulfate esters that are absent in terrestrial plants. This domain follows the catalytic domain of the porphyranase protein and folds into beta-sandwich [1].
This is the C-terminal domain found in Bacteroides plebeius of proteins such as beta-porphyranase A (BPA), a beta-galactanase that cleaves the beta-1,4 glycosidic bond . Porphyranase degrade red seaweed glycans. This domain adopts a beta sandwich sha ...
This is the C-terminal domain found in Bacteroides plebeius of proteins such as beta-porphyranase A (BPA), a beta-galactanase that cleaves the beta-1,4 glycosidic bond . Porphyranase degrade red seaweed glycans. This domain adopts a beta sandwich shape [1].