Annual Report Published
Download the 2014 Annual Report (PDF) for an overview of data deposition, query, outreach, and education activities.
This review highlights many RCSB PDB accomplishments, including support for large structures, the new Gene View illustrating correspondences between the human genome and 3D structure, and the HIV Video Challenge for high school students.
wwPDB efforts, including deposition statistics and the common Deposition & Annotation System, are also highlighted.
These bulletins provide a yearly snapshot of RCSB PDB activities and the state of the PDB archive. This edition, the RCSB PDB's fifteenth, is available as a PDF download. If you would like a printed copy, please send your postal address to

When the PDB archive was established in 1971, it contained seven structures. In 2014, the PDB passed the milestone of making more than 100,000 structures publicly available for scientific research and education. To commemorate this special milestone, RCSB PDB released an updated version of the iconic poster Molecular Machinery: A Tour of the Protein Data Bank as well as a related interactive display. This cover highlights a portion of that poster.