This is a domain found in hydrolase enzymes. This domain is responsible for the conversion of isochorismate, in the presence of water, to 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate and pyruvate. It shows a typical helix-sheet-helix sandwich structural architecture, with ...
This is a domain found in hydrolase enzymes. This domain is responsible for the conversion of isochorismate, in the presence of water, to 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate and pyruvate. It shows a typical helix-sheet-helix sandwich structural architecture, with a central beta--sheet made of six parallel strands, three alpha -helices on one side and two on the other [3,4].
A 4'-phosphopantetheine prosthetic group is attached through a serine. This prosthetic group acts as a a 'swinging arm' for the attachment of activated fatty acid and amino-acid groups. This domain forms a four helix bundle. This family includes memb ...
A 4'-phosphopantetheine prosthetic group is attached through a serine. This prosthetic group acts as a a 'swinging arm' for the attachment of activated fatty acid and amino-acid groups. This domain forms a four helix bundle. This family includes members not included in Prosite. The inclusion of these members is supported by sequence analysis and functional evidence. The related domain of Swiss:P19828 has the attachment serine replaced by an alanine.