Special Issue Focused on Tools for Protein Science
Protein Science has devoted a special issue (and introduced a new journal article category) to the many modern tools and resources available to researchers interested in the study of proteins and other macromolecules.
Tools for Protein Science highlights computational resources for structure determination, visualization and analysis, molecular modeling, sequence analysis, and analyzing cellular proteins.
In this issue, the article RCSB Protein Data Bank: Sustaining a living digital data resource that enables breakthroughs in scientific research and biomedical education explores the impact of open and accessible PDB data on research, clinical medicine, education, and the economy.
As detailed in the article, the PDB Archive
- Grows at rate of 10% per year
- Is used to download 1.8 million structure data files per day
- Managed by international collaboration (wwPDB)
- Serves as a model for how “Big Data” can be effectively managed as a public good
PDB Data
- Enable research in journal subject areas from Agriculture to Zoology
- Are directly cited in the scientific literature more than 2.6 million times
- Used by >400 biological data resources
US-funded PDB structures were cited >1 million times in the scientific literature
NSF-funded structures that highlight Fundamental Biology and more have been cited ~56K times

NIH-funded structures that increase understanding of Biomedicine and more have been cited ~874K times

DoE-funded structures illuminating Energy and more have been cited ~104K times,

As of May 2017