Sequence Alignments in Search Results
Use the Advanced Search>Sequence option to search protein, DNA, or RNA sequences using mmseqs2 software. A description of this functionality is available.
The search results include a graphic display of sequence alignments. Please adjust the "Display Results as" menu to "Polymer Entities". Zoom using the mouse scroll (wheel) or the mousepad/touchpad to show the amino acid sequence and mismatches.

Advanced Search Query Builder can be used combine these Sequence Searches with other types of searches using Boolean operators (AND/OR/NOT):
- Attribute searching: specific fields or full-text search across all fields, such as ID, deposition information, entry features, and experimental information
- Sequence searching: based on a FASTA sequence (with E-value or % Identity cutoffs);
- Sequence Motif searching: find short sequence patterns in PDB structure FASTA sequences using Simple, PROSITE, or RegEx syntax
- Structure Similarity searching: based on an existing Chain or Assembly of a PDB structure
- Chemical Search: find chemical components by Formula or descriptor