Register for the October 8 Advanced Search Office Hour
RCSB PDB's Advanced Search feature can be used to build queries using:
- Attribute searching: search terms that appear in specific fields in the database
- Sequence searching: based on a FASTA sequence (with E-value or % Identity cutoffs);
- Sequence Motif searching: find short sequence patterns in PDB structure FASTA sequences using Simple, PROSITE, or RegEx syntax
- Structure Similarity searching: based on an existing Chain or Assembly of a PDB structure
- Chemical Search: find chemical components by Formula or descriptor
Want to learn how to better use Advanced Search?
Bring questions to our virtual office hour with Rachel Kramer Green, RCSB PDB’s Scientific Support & Customer Service Lead.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
4:00pm - 5:00pm Eastern, 1:00pm - 2:00pm Pacific.
Researchers and students interested in searching for PDB data are encouraged to attend.
Please register for this free event. An institutional email address for registration is preferred.
You will receive confirmation and a Zoom link by email before the event.
Questions? Please contact