Create High Resolution Images

(Click image to enlarge)
Image of 3izi created using Protein Workshop.
The RCSB PDB website offers interactive, Java-based tools1 to visualize PDB data. Protein Workshop offers easily customized views; Simple Viewer offers a quick ribbon display; and Ligand Explorer visualizes the interactions of bound ligands in protein and nucleic acids structures.
Journals often require figures in a particular size and print resolution (typically 300 or 600 DPI). We have recently added a new feature to our 3D viewers to save custom high-resolution images in the JPEG, PNG, and TIFF formats. Using the Save Image dialog box from the File menu, users can specify the print resolution in DPI (dots per inch), the width and height of an image in pixels, inches, or millimeters.
1. J.L. Moreland, A.Gramada, O.V. Buzko, Q. Zhang and P.E. Bourne (2005) The Molecular Biology Toolkit (MBT): A modular platform for developing molecular visualization applications BMC Bioinformatics 6:21.