Latest Website Release

Use the Sequence Tab to view sequence annotations in Jmol, such as the biotin binding site shown here in entry 1STP.
New and enhanced features have been added to, including:
- PDB-101, a new and unique view of the RCSB PDB that packages together the resources of interest to teachers, students, and the general public--Structural View of Biology, Educational Resources, Molecule of the Month, and Understanding PDB Data.
Clicking on the blackboard PDB-101 logo (or its related widget in the
left-hand menu) reveals the education-centered website. This view
offers easy navigation: select any Molecule of the Month article from
the top bar menu or mouse over the PDB-101 pull-down to jump to other
sections of PDB-101. Click on the blue logo in the top left at any time
to access RCSB PDB deposition and query services from the main website.
For complete descriptions, see the New Features widget on the RCSB PDB home page.
- Sequence Annotations. The sequence tab displays annotated sequences of polymer chains present in the selected structure. These annotations can be viewed in diagram form and in Jmol.
The current list of annotations includes:
- SCOP - domain annotations from the SCOP database.
- CATH - domain annotations from the CATH database.
- Domain Parser - domain annotations processed with the Domain Parser (DP) algorithm
- Protein Domain Parser - domain annotations processed with the Domain Parser (DP) algorithm
- PFAM - regions with Pfam annotations
- Interpro - regions with Interpro annotations
- DSSP - secondary structure assignment
- STRIDE - secondary structure assignment
- Author Sec. Struc. - secondary structure assignment as provided by the author of a PDB entry
- NEW: Protein Modification - protein modifications as detected with software
- NEW: Site Record - both author assigned and software-detected binding sites
- NEW: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) - data from the LS-SNP database
- Advanced Search: Advanced search can be used to build complex queries using multiple constraints. New query options include protein modifications, Pfam ID, and EM structures with experimental data.
For complete descriptions of all new features, see the What's New page.