Enhanced Sequence Display

Protein modifications mapped onto the sequence diagram and Jmol view of PDB entry 1B0V.
The sequence tab available from each PDB entry's Structure Summary page was recently enhanced and improved.
The sequence tab offers a diagram representation of the sequence. Each macromolecule chain can be annotated with domain assignments, secondary structure, and structural features such as SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), sites defined in the structure entry (i.e., binding sites of ligands) and protein modifications (i.e., posttranslational modifications). These annotations can be mapped on to the 3D Jmol view of the entry for further exploration.
Using the Display Parameters box, users can toggle between the display of unique chains and all chains. By default, only unique chains are displayed. This box can also toggle the display of the UniProtKB reference sequence.
For more information about the sequence tab and about other features recently added to the website, see the What's New page.