Browse Membrane Transport Proteins

Use the Transporter Classification Browser to find PDB's membrane transport proteins as organized by TC Database family ( The browser will autocomplete search terms with the matching classifications, and highlight locations on the tree.
The Transporter Classification Database ( organizes membrane transport proteins using the Transporter Classification (TC) system. It is similar to the Enzyme Commission (EC) system, but incorporates both functional and phylogenetic information. Descriptions, TC numbers, and examples of over 600 families of transport proteins are provided. Transport systems are classified on the basis of five criteria, and each of these criteria corresponds to one of the five numbers or letters within the TC number for a particular type of transporter.
Select the Transporter Classification tab from the Browse Database interface to browse TC superfamilies, view the number of associated PDB structures, and explore individual structures.
Advanced Search can be used to combine searches for transporter classifications with queries for other specific types of data. Select the Transporter Classification Browser option from the Biology section of the Advanced Search pull-down menu.