Revision History Widget

(Click image to enlarge)
The Revision History widget box notes the changes made to an entry's mmCIF/PDBx file after the initial release.? Mousing over the text will display the details of the update.
Structure Summary pages offer a variety of information about an entry, organized into different widget boxes that can be moved around on the page.
The Revision History widget box displays the details of changes made to an entry's mmCIF/PDBx file after the initial release. The details of these changes have been recorded in the category PDBX_VERSION since July 2011 (see the wwPDB website for more information).
These descriptions are more detailed than the information stored in REVDAT records, which indicate what records have been changed in the PDB format file for the entry.
The Revision History box shows the modification date and a summary description; mousing over the text provides additional details.