Browse the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System to Find Structures

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Use the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification Browser to find PDB structures
RCSB PDB's Browse Database feature explores the PDB archive using different hierarchical trees. The WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology's Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system organizes drugs into five levels according to the organ or system on which they act and/or their therapeutic and chemical characteristics. The RCSB PDB database can be browsed using this system.
Select the ATC tab from the Browse Database interface to navigate through the drug classification hierarchy, view the number of associated PDB structures, and access the related entries.
The browser opens up the top level in the hierarchy. Clicking on the arrow/folder icons expands the respective nodes. Clicking on the name of the node will retrieve all PDB IDs associated with that ATC code.
Structures having a particular ATC code (e.g., A12CC05) or name (e.g., Atorvastatin) can be be found using the browser search box.
Other Browse options include GO Terms, Enzyme Classification, Transporter Classification, Source Organism, Genome Location, MeSH terms, SCOP, and CATH.