Beta Test RCSB PDB Mobile for Android

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The beta #1 Android version of RCSB PDB Mobile app is available for download.
RCSB PDB users with Android phones or tablets using version 2.3 or higher of the Android OS can download beta version #1 of RCSB PDB Mobile.
This free app provides fast, on-the-go access to the RCSB PDB. Options are available to search the entire PDB database, view the latest protein and nucleic acid structures released, access MyPDB, view the entire catalog of Molecule of the Month articles, and more. Structures can be interactively explored using the molecular viewer NDKMol (courtesy of Dr. Takanori Nakane, Kyoto University).
The Android edition of RCSB PDB Mobile is still under development. Please let us know about any issues encountered in installation or use, especially in regard to formatting. This beta release will "time out" in 2 months, by which time we anticipate the next generation app will be available from the Google Play Store.