Upcoming Meetings: ACA & ISMB/ECCB
ACA 2013

From July 20 - 24, the RCSB PDB will be at the 2013 Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association (ACA) in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Stop by exhibition booth 101 to pick up new materials and to meet with RCSB PDB Director Helen Berman, John Westbrook, and the PSI Structural Biology Knowledgebase (PSI SBKB)'s Margaret Gabanyi. View demonstrations of the new wwPDB Deposition and Annotation System, and Skype with RCSB PDB Annotators at Rutgers. The full list of activities below is also available as a PDF.
The RCSB PDB Poster Prize will also be awarded to recognize a student poster presentation involving macromolecular crystallography.
3DSig and ISMB/ECCB 2013

The International Society for Computational Biology and the European Conference on Computational Biology will meet July 19-23 in Berlin, Germany (ISMB/ECCB). RCSB PDB presentations will include What Bioinformaticians need to know about digital publishing beyond the PDF (Associate Director Phil Bourne) and New tools and visualization features at the RCSB PDB (Peter Rose). Get more conference details with the ISMB technology track schedule.
At the ISMB Special Interest Group meeting Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC), Andreas Prlić will present Ten simple rules for the open development of scientific software. Get more conference details with the BOSC schedule.
At the 3Dsig:Structural Bioinformatics & Computational Biophysics satellite meeting, Associate Director Stephen Burley will present a keynote presentation and poster on wwPDB: Ensuring a freely accessible, singular archive of high quality macromolecular structure information, and Peter Rose will present A survey of protein stoichiometry and symmetry in the PDB as a talk and a poster. The 3DSig poster Aligning subunits of internally symmetric proteins with CE-Symm by Spencer Bliven will also be presented. Associate Director Phil Bourne is one of the 3Dsig Program Chairs. Get more conference details with the 3Dsig schedule.
The RCSB PDB Poster Prize will be awarded for the best student poster presentation in the category of Protein Structure and Function Prediction and Analysis.