Poster Prize Awarded at ACA, ISMB

Matthias Dietzen

Peter Lee
The RCSB PDB Poster Prize was recently awarded at the ACA and ISMB meetings.
At the American Crystallographic Association's Annual Meeting (July 20-24; Honolulu, HI), the award went to Peter Lee for Head Hunting: Targeting the Influenza Hemagglutinin Receptor Binding Site (Peter S. Lee,1 Ayato Takada,2 James E. Crowe Jr.,3 Yoshikazu Kurosawa,4 Ian A. Wilson;1 1The Scripps Research Institute, 2Hokkaido University, 3Vanderbilt University, 4Fujita Health University). Many thanks to judges Champion Deivanayagam (University of Alabama at Birminham), Robert McKenna (University of Florida), and Clyde Smith (Stanford University); and to Marcia Colquhoun and the ACA.
At the International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology/European Conference on Computational Biology (July 21-23, Berlin, Germany), the award went to Matthias Dietzen for Three-Dimensional Modeling of Macromolecular Assemblies by Efficient Combination of Pairwise Dockings (Matthias Dietzen,1 Olga Kalinina,1 Katerina Taškova,2 Benny Kneissl,3 Elmar Jaenicke,3 Heinz Decker,3 Thomas Lengauer,1 Andreas Hildebrandt;3 1Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbr?ücken, Germany, 2Intel Visual Computing Institute, Saarbr?ücken, Germany, 3Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)
Many thanks to the Steven Leard, the International Society for Computational Biology, and the judges: Yana Bromberg (Chair, Rutgers), Manuel Corpas (Independent), Jeroen de Ridder (Delft University of Technology), Nils Gehlenborg (Harvard), Tatyana Goldberg (TU Munich), Edda Kloppmann (TU Munich), Geoff Macintyre (University of Melbourne), Magali Michaut (Netherlands Cancer Institute), Nikolay Samusik (Stanford), Venkata P. Satagopam (EMBL), Oren Tzfadia (Weizmann Institute of Science).
All 2013 awardees will be listed on the RCSB PDB website and will receive an educational book.